Live to Run

As many may know, I love running. And today just happens to be International Running Day!

Sadly I did not participate this year due to injury, but I hope many of you ran and felt great!

To say I miss running is an understatement.

They say runners are more upset that an injury stops them from running instead of the fact that it damaged their body. As much as I love my body for all of its abilities and treat it with respect, I have to admit that I have this mindset.

I miss the feeling of running and the challenge of a new workout. I know I can do (and have been doing) other hard exercises, but nothing compares to running for me.

Running is a time for me to reflect on my life. Whether it be stress, anxiety, or even sadness, running helps me clear my mind and is a time I genuinely need in my days.

When I run, I feel free and full of life.

After a run, I feel as if I can do anything. I have found that I appreciate the little things in life more and really take everything in because of running.

I have learned to appreciate both the good and bad running days. If we did not have bad days, we wouldn’t fully appreciate the great days.

Although I wish I could run, I know it is best to let my body heal. This time off from running makes me appreciate my body more than ever.


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